Sunday, February 6, 2011

Good Month and Other News

Wow, I can't believe it's been more than a month since I last wrote on here!  That's pathetic.  I'll definitely get back into gear.  Since it's been a while, this may be a longer post!  I'll try to make it as interesting as possible.  Here's what's been going on with me as of late:

-January was probably the best month of my life.  The reasons are too personal to post here, but those close to me know what I'm talking about.  Thank you so much to everyone who has been there for me, especially my family and friends.  January 23rd will be a day I will always remember.

-In unrelated news, I'm going back to BYU this spring!  I have already signed up for my classes and I'm pumped!  It's going to be SO nice to be back.  I am grateful to be a Cougar and I will never take that for granted ever again!

-Last Sunday, I got to drive up to Boise with Brett and Leah.  It was super fun, even if was only for 2 days.  Brett actually had an interview up there (we're still waiting to hear if he got the job) so we stayed with my parents.  The food was incredible and we had a lot of fun looking around Boise and playing with my siblings.  On the way home we ran out of iPod battery.  Instead of listening to music, Leah and I started singing Disney songs.  When that got old, we started to make Jimmer Fredette jokes.  I think that pretty much got us the rest of the way home!  By the way... Jimmer Fredette makes onions cry.  Also, he could strangle you with a cordless phone

-Kevin and I recently had an In-n-Out experience that's worth noting.  As we ordered our #1's with grilled onions, we saw a dog at the drive thru window just waiting for his food!  It was hilarious.  Here's the pic:

-Another funny story.... At Simply Mac we had a CRAZY guy come in who was muttering to himself.  He then plugged in his computer and started doing updates on his computer.  Apparently it was taking a long time because this was the scene we soon found ourselves watching:

Something of note is the fact that he is wearing khaki pants underneath his blue pants.  Also, despite there being many other customers and the fact that the store is very small, he retained this position for about an hour.  It was awkward.

-We are in the middle of intramural basketball season.  So far our record is 2-0-1.... yes that's right, we tied our last game.  There were some ridiculous calls that made it so, but we are keeping our heads up.  Many of you know that I am horrible at basketball and are wondering why I'm on the team.  I simply want to be on the roster so that if someone gets injured I can go in and so that if we win the championship I'll get a shirt.  At the games I'll usually play 2-4 minutes and I also take stats, which I enjoy.

-BYU basketball is currently ranked #8 in the nation!  It will probably move up tomorrow.  The nation can't get enough of Jimmer Fredette and neither can I.  I can't wait until March Madness begins and we'll see how good this team really is!

-BYU beat UNLV at home yesterday. One enjoyable sub-plot was UNLV's guard Tre'von Willis telling media that "Jimmer Fredette don't want to pass the ball.  He don't want to get no assists."  Apparently going to college isn't helping his grammar or math.  Jimmer Fredette is BYU's assist leader.  In the two games BYU has played, Tre'von Willis has 5 assists compared to Jimmer's 12.  Yesterday's victory shut him up at least for now.

That's all for now!  I will do better with posting and keeping everyone updated on my incredibly interesting life.  Adios!