Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2012 Update

Wow, you know your blog is on the downward trend when you had 23 posts in 2010 (in the months of October-December), then only 8 in 2011.  Funny thing is, it's not like I ran out of things to say!  I just have been busy, which is the one-size-fits-all excuse these days.  But seriously, I was.  It was a brutal semester for me and this semester has turned out to be as unmerciful as the last.  Nevertheless, I feel like writing on this should be a good break.  So here is a super brief recap of some things that have happened in my life lately.  I'll keep every category brief:


This Christmas, I had the opportunity to stay in Provo with my wonderful friends Mike and Karianna.  I had to work, which is why I stayed in Provo, but Mike and Karianna adopted me!  We had a great time spending the week together and it was a lot of fun.  I also got to spend time with my friend Luciana and her family, who took me in on Christmas Eve and invited me over for dinner!  It was a lot of fun.  Throw in a BYU bowl game for a 10 win season, and I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas.

New Year's

For New Year's, I actually got to go home.  But instead of going back by myself, I was accompanied by Kevin and Meridith.  We had a blast!  Mom was on her A game when it came to cooking, and we overall just had a fun time being in Boise with my family.  I worked Kevin in the football game we played (which incapacitated my dad for 3 days.)  Kevin and I had a professionally choreographed dance we performed on New Year's Eve that would win awards.  We watched Micah have a seizure on the dance floor.  I got beat by two old women in Pinochle.  And I found out that I have a superhuman talent of correctly naming a song after it has played for no more than 2/10's of a second.  Overall it was a super fun trip, and I hope it won't be the last time I see Kevin and Mer in Boise!

Kevin and I, before I beat him

Delicious breakfast made by my mother


I didn't return home from Boise empty handed.  I came home with a Wilson Racquetball Racquet.  Top of the line.  I decided that the manner in which I will get my physical exercise every week is via racquetball.  So far I have played 5 people: Bryan Wright, Spencer Urban, Kevin Baugh, Ryan Spille, and Haley Bennett.  I have thus far won one game, against Haley (although it should be noted she beat me 3/4 times.)  Bottom line, I'm not that good.  Yet.  But with practice, new Nike shoes, and a Rafael Nadal t-shirt, I'm bound to get better.  Right?

Buffalo Wild Wings

Among the more crazy and stupid things I have decided to do this semester (and my life) was wait in line for 3 days to get free Buffalo Wild Wings for a year.  I was with Bryan and Moe (who got engaged, congrats!) and Mike and Karianna.  This may sound like an economical investment at first, but consider the facts:

-Only the first 100 customers received the free wings

-We waited in line for 42 hours

-In that time, we all probably slept for around 5-6 hours.  At most.

-When we finally got the wings, we discovered they were distributed in a coupon book.  Each coupon was worth 6 free wings, and you can only use one coupon per week, and the coupon is only valid during one designated week.  After that, they expire.  And you can't use them early either.

-6 wings are about $5.  Thus, we got about $260 of free food

-$260/42 hours = $6.19 an hour.

Yeah definitely not worth it.  However, we will never forget memories of literally freezing to death during the night, being sleep deprived, not showering, and cramming 5 (unbathed) people into a tent.  I'm not yet emotionally healed from the experience, but I'm sure that one day I'll look back and laugh.

BYU Sports

I know some people probably will skip over this part, but who cares, I love BYU sports!  And sometimes, I HAVE NO IDEA WHY!!!  First, Jake Heaps transfers, essentially because he is a baby girl.  That's the only way I know how to put it.  I don't think Riley Nelson will do much with the team next year, but we will see.

And now, BYU basketball is letting me down.  We have lost to every ranked opponent this year.  Then, we go get a great road ACC win, which compelled me to wait for 5 hours to get into the St. Mary's game which, of course, we lost!  Pretty brutal.  A Jimmer-less BYU team is definitely struggling, especially from beyond the arch.  We will see how this season shapes up, but I will be happy if we even get to the NCAA tournament.


Maybe this should be a separate post.  In fact, it will be.  Suffice it to say that I am all for Mitt.  I think he is everything that America needs right now.  I just wish people could see it a little better.  I'm going to go ahead and rain check this portion of my post, because I am realizing more and more that it needs some special attention.  For a good start, check out this article.

Well, that's all I have for now.  I once again pledge to post more often, although I realize all credibility is gone in that area.  Adios!