Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Time

Maybe this post is a day late, but I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to write about it.

Christmas has been a busy time for me... work, finals, and more work.  I finally made it "home" to Boise on Christmas Eve.  I got home, played some Nintendo, and then went to bed.  Christmas day we opened our presents and had the annual "Christmas Crap Out," which is when we get to eat whatever we want.  It's been fun being with the family, but unfortunately will end this Tuesday when I'll fly back home to work some more.  That's the disadvantage of working in retail I guess.

This Christmas season I hope everyone got to take a break from the stress and materialism that Christmas bring and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas: Christ.  Leah gave a great FHE lesson on this a couple of weeks ago that inspired me to write something about Christmas.  There's a song I've had playing on my blog by BYU's Vocal Point that's called "He is Born."  I want to post the lyrics to this song, because they really help me appreciate the birth of the Savior and how it was the beginning of a life that would eventually save me and everyone else:

Joy to the world, the Lord has come
To every boy and girl, He'll be the Holy One
He'll be a King, He'll be a Lord
He's just a baby, but He'll save the world

And I'll sing Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
He is my Savior, today He's born
He is born

Rejoice, Rejoice, the Savior's come
We'll lift every voice, to the Healing One
The sinner's saved, the price was paid
He's just a baby, and He's born today

And I'll sing Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
He is my Savior and my King, with all my heart to Him I'll sing
My Lord and King will I adore, with my praise forevermore
He is my Shepherd and I know, with all my love to Him I'll show
With all my life to Him I'll give, today He's born
He's Born

And I'll sing Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
He is my Savior, today He's born
He is Born

I love this song and the lyrics.  I especially appreciate and relate to the part where is says that the sinner is saved, the price was paid...  That is truly a reason to celebrate, rejoice, give gifts, and spend time with family.  We're all sinners trying to do our best, and we rely on Jesus Christ every single day.  May we all remember the sacrifice that Christ made for us.  To end off this blog post, I'll put on one of my favorite scriptures of all time:

"And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?

 And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.
 And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.
 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof."
-Rev. 5:1-5

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Toilet Bowls and Worthwhile Bowls

Here is a quick overview of the 2010-2011 college football bowls coming up this month and next month.

These are the bowls that are the worst of the worst, with the least intriguing match ups, most lopsided match ups, or the biggest disappointments for that team.

5. New Mexico Bowl- BYU (6-6) vs UTEP (6-6) (Dec. 18th, 5:30pm)

These teams could not have ended off the season any different.  While BYU salvaged their season by ending off 5-1 (with a disappointing and controversial loss to Utah), UTEP ended off their season only 1-5.  Both teams are 6-6, which might suggest that this could be a decent matchup.  But with UTEP struggling so bad with a quarterback constantly getting picked off and losses to subpar teams, it should be a BYU blowout.  Another fun fact, only 6 teams have gone to more bowl games than BYU in the last 33 years.

4. Las Vegas Bowl- Utah (10-2) vs Boise State (11-1) (Dec. 22nd, 8pm)

Despite ALMOST losing to San Diego State and BYU and blowout losses to TCU at home and away at a mediocre Notre Dame team, Utah will travel down south to take on the Boise State Broncos.  Boise State was a field goal away from going to the Rose Bowl and possibly the national championship.  Unfortunately, the bullies of the WAC finally had someone stand up to them and beat them in overtime.  As a result, Boise State winds up in Las Vegas Bowl while a 4 loss Connecticut team gets to go to the BCS and a 2 loss Virginia Tech team (who Boise State beat along with a AA team) also gets to go.  This is undoubtedly a huge disappointment for the Broncos who returned all but 1 starter from last year's team.  Boise State will blow Utah out of the water.

3. Holiday Bowl- Nebraska (10-3) vs Washington (6-6) (Dec. 30th, 10pm)

Nebraska was once again a field goal away from going to the BCS.  Last year it was against Texas, this year it was against Oklahoma.  Nebraska boasts a 9-3 record (with losses @ Texas, @Texas A&M, and vs Oklahoma) while Washington has a meager 6-6 record.  Washington's quarterback Jake Locker has been plagued by injuries this season and hasn't had the supporting cast a star like him deserves.  Nebraska will go into this game disappointed, but will dominate Washington.

2. Orange Bowl- Virginia Tech (11-2) vs Stanford (11-1) (Jan. 3, 8:30pm)

This match up may look intriguing on paper, but I consider it to be an outrage.  Virginia Tech started off the season losing to Boise State, a non-BCS school that according to the Ohio State president is "unworthy" to play for a championship.  Right after the loss, V-Tech loses to a Division I-AA school, James Madison.  These guys are a HORRIBLE team that are not even division one!  Apparently, however, those losses were forgivable and irrelevant as the ACC gets an automatic bid and sends their best school to face Stanford, who has only lost to Oregon, the team playing for a national championship. Stanford should kill Virginia Tech

1. Fiesta Bowl- Connecticut (8-4) vs Oklahoma (11-2) (Jan 1st, 8:30pm)

This is the biggest joke.  Since the Big East also gets an automatic bid, they get to send the champion of their conference.  It's not ranked West Virginia or the preseason favorite Pitt, it's UConn.  A 4 loss team that got shut out by a mediocre Louisville team.  Look who DIDN'T get to go to the BCS:
Boise State- 12-1
Michigan State- 11-1
Nevada- 12-1
LSU- 10-2
Alabama- 9-3

To me, this game just shows the insanity of the BCS and how they rob teams of a fair chance to play for the championship.  Landry Jones will light up UConn.  And I bet it won't even be that satisfying of a win, knowing that you beat a team that Louisville beat 23-0.

These are the 5 bowl games that you won't want to miss this year.

1. Poinsettia Bowl- SDSU (8-4) vs Navy (8-3) (Dec. 23rd, 8pm)

San Diego State has had a GREAT year.  In all reality, they were a field goal away from beating a Mizzou team that would upset the #1 team in the nation.  They barely lost to BYU on a controversial call, gave TCU a run for it's money and lost to Utah on a desperation team.  Basically, this team is one play away from being undefeated.  Brady Hoke has really turned this program around.  Navy is also having a great year.  They still have a game against army this Saturday, but Navy is always a well disciplined team that shows up to their bowl games.  At the end of the day, however, I bet SDSU walks away with the win.

2. Capital One Bowl- Alabama (9-3) vs Michigan St (11-1) (Jan 1st, 1pm)

Alabama is the reigning national champion from last year, but wound up having a disappointing season with three losses.  They still, however, have a decent quarterback with great receivers and running backs.  Michigan State has only lost against Ohio state.  This should overall be a great game, but I think Alabama will come out with the W.

3. Sugar Bowl- Arkansas (10-2) vs Ohio State (11-1) (Jan. 4th, 8:30pm)

I really like this Arkansas team with Ryan Mallett leading the way.  They have an awesome passing attack.  Ohio State, on the other hand, relies on their running game.  This should be an awesome game, but I predict Arkansas will get the win.

2. Rose Bowl- Wisconsin (11-1) vs TCU (12-0) (Jan. 1st, 5pm)

TCU remains undefeated as they walk into this game.  Had Auburn or Oregon lost, TCU would be headed to a national championship.  Wisconsin also looks good going into this game with their only blemish being a loss to a good Michigan State team.  I bet this game will be really close, but Gary Patterson's coaching will allow TCU to remain undefeated this season.

1. National Championship- Auburn (13-0) vs Oregon (12-0) (Jan 10th, 8:30pm)

The question has come up many teams this season, who can stop Oregon's lightening fast, hurry-up offense?  Other people have asked, who can stop Cam Newton?  So far, no one has had an answer.  And I doubt this game will provide us with an answer.  With both teams only having mediocre defenses, but unbelievable offenses, this game is sure to be a shootout.  In the end, I predict Auburn will come out on top.

Well, that's my overview of this year's bowl games.  We'll see what happens!