Monday, October 4, 2010

Mac Daddy

Right now, I work at a store called Simply Mac.  It's an Apple specialist store meaning we're not owned by Apple, but we sell Apple products and do service on them.

I started working at Simply Mac about a year ago.  I'm what they call a "Pro" which is equivalent to an Apple Store "Genius."  I stand behind a bar all day (see photo below) and try to fix software problems on computers.  If I can't fix them, I get the computers to a technician.  I also used to do training for those who buy classes, but they recently decided to keep me at the service bar.

I get some pretty interesting people who come in to the store... Some people are furious that they have to pay for service and can't believe that a man made product might not work.  Others treat you like their savior for having fixed your computer.  Other people that come in are famous.  Here is a running list of celebrities that have come into the store for computer repairs:
-Donny Osmond
-Wayne Brady
-Mindy Gledhill (LDS singer)
-Various BYU athletes (Jimmer Fredette, Dennis Pitta, Max Hall, Brian Logan, Harvey Unga)
-Lavell Edwards
-Bronco Mendenhall
-Mark "Mad Dog" Madsen

That's all for now!  Check back later this week for more.

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