Monday, October 4, 2010

My Favorite Couples

For those who don't know about Provo, it is a land of singles.  Young adults in their late teens and twenties from all around the country have found that Provo is a neutral site that one can find their soul mate.  After couples get together, they are usually unseen for a while until they get married and want friends again.  The cycle continues until you are found in it.

Despite being in a world (and ward) of singles, most of my friends are couples.  This post is dedicated to my favorite couples who are my best friends.  Despite having a significant other, they have been significant to me in meaningful ways.  Here is a brief overview of my best friends:

Brett and Leah
These two mean the world to me... I don't even know where to start!  I have known Brett since I was a kid.  We grew up together and eventually wound up living together during our freshman year at BYU.  I was with Brett when he met Leah and started dating her.  They recently got sealed in the Salt Lake City temple!  I feel like I've seen them from the beginning of their relationship all the way to the beginning of an eternal marriage.

During my mission, Brett, and especially Leah, would write me more than any of my other friends.  Upon my return, Brett and Leah were extremely influential in getting me to move to Provo.  In fact, had it not been for an invitation that Brett extended for me to go to a BYU football game with him, who knows where I would be!

Getting me to Provo wasn't the only thing Brett and Leah helped me do.  They showed me true friendship and love when it would have been easy not to.  They have never judged me and have always supported me.  They have been there for me whenever I've needed it and Leah is always there to take care of me when my mommy isn't around.  I find myself at Brett and Leah's house more than my own (sorry guys!) and I feel like I can talk to them about anything.  They will forever be two very important people that have influenced my life for the better!

Kevin and Meridith
Kevin is my best friend.  In fact, we have coined the acronym RFL (pronounced like "ruffle") to describe our relationship: roommates for life.

I met Kevin my freshman year at BYU.  He lived next to Brett and I and the three of us were always together.  After the year was over, Kevin got called to the Ukraine mission.  I'm glad that he had to learn Russian because that meant he would be in the MTC for 3 months which gave me a month overlap to see him.  My very first day in the MTC I was petrified from missing home, my girlfriend, my friends, and BYU.  As I was herded like cattle into the book store wearing my "dork dot" (an orange dot placed on your name tag indicating it was your first day.... I guess so you don't get lost and/or run away??) I saw Kevin.  What a relief it was to see him!  He made a lot of the anxiety go away.  It was great to see him and he helped me through some rough times.

Upon returning home, we became roommates at Liberty Square apartments in Provo.  It wasn't long until he met the beautiful Meridith Andrew.  Meridith is an absolute sweetheart.  The first thing that struck me about Meridith is how kind she is to everyone, how caring she is, and what a good friend she is.  Kevin and Meridith are always making a conscious effort to be with me and be there for me whenever I need it.  Meridith especially is genuine in really caring about me as a person and a friend.  I am so lucky to have them as friends.  They truly have made a huge difference in my life and I love them so much.  I look forward to many PT's and ARP-break hotel stays.  RFLs have ridges.

Justin and Brittany
Justin and Brittany make the second leg of three roommates that are dating three roommates.  I actually didn't know Justin before my mission (although I should have... he was in my freshman ward!)  Upon returning home from my mission, Justin was in my apartment and I quickly became good friends with him.  Trent stole my bed the first couple of weeks, so I stayed in Justin's room and we would talk a lot.  Justin is so down to earth and extremely funny and athletic.  And he can grow some decent facial hair.  What else could you want in a guy?

It wasn't long until he was dating Brittany.  Although we gave Justin crap for dating a minor (just kidding Britt!!!), everyone was drawn to Brittany and her personality.  She is so fun and outgoing and really awesome to talk to.  Whenever you talk to Brittany, she really listens and cares about what you're saying.  And she is always there for you.  Nice catch Justin.  You played up =)

Justin and Brittany have been the best of friends to me.  They are always down to double date (whenever I can find one) and help me out when I'm feeling down.  Brittany especially helped me out this last summer whenever I was feeling sad or lonely.  She would talk to me at whatever the hour in the night and just listen.  Or she would let me listen to her when I didn't want to talk about my issues.  Justin and Brittany will be lifelong friends and I'm so lucky that they still give me the time of day.

Russell and Claire
Where would I be without Russell?  After having Russell as a mission companion for two weeks I opened a letter to see that my year long girlfriend was engaged... I then ran to the shower and cried for a while.  Russell had no idea what to say!  And that's how our friendship began.  While suffering the extreme heat of Arkansas together (and swearing we would get hot wives for enduring it) and trying find normalcy in a unique group of individuals we were working with, we became the best of friends.

After getting home, we stayed in contact for a while and talked about the day we would find a beautiful girl to marry.  Well, Russell beat me to it by meeting his fiancé Claire.  She is as witty, hilarious, and fun as she is pretty.  They knew from the beginning that they had something special and they look forward to marriage this December.

Russell and Claire have meant a lot to me.  Russell especially has been with me through thick and thin and cares about me enough to put me in my place when I need it.  He is a shoulder to cry on when I'm sad and someone who will talk to me and stay with me all night if I need it.  Claire has a similar personality.  She is so smart and quick and can always make me smile.  She is always willing to give me girl advice and talk to me whenever I need it.  They have been engulfed in making wedding plans, but I look forward to seeing them more this winter once the knot is tied!

Trent and Star
Trent and Star are the third piece of the Tri-Force.  After Justin and Kevin got together with roommates Brittany and Meridith, Trent had his eye on a third roommate, Star.  While Star wasn't feeling it at first, the two soon fell in love and the rest is history!  I'll never forget playing Taylor Swift's song "You Belong with Me" to Trent and telling him that one day Star will realize what a great guy he is!  Who called it??

Trent was a great friend my freshman year that I met through Kevin (Trent's sister married Kevin's brother).  Whenever I wanted to have fun, I would make sure that I was with Trent.  Once the year got over, we vowed we would be roommates.  Trent got called to Puerto Rico and while on his mission, he would write me often.  We stayed in close contact and always tried to one-up each other about who's area was hotter.  Trent usually won since I at least had A/C.  

When we got home, Trent supported me in helping me reach my goals.  He would call me out if I wasn't following through with things and he stuck up for me many times as well.  I'll never forget when Trent moved out for the summer.  He sat down with my new roommates and gave them specific instructions on how to take care of me.  He probably didn't know how much that meant to me.

Star is really easy going and so nice to everyone.  She is perfect for Trent and they will also get married this December.  Star never has anything mean to say about anyone and is always looking on the bright side of things.  Besides being beautiful, she is also a serious rugby player!  She made it on the US national team and also plays for BYU.  I'm so grateful to have Trent and Star in my life.  It's too bad that Star and I didn't work out.... Star Starita would be an awesome name ;)

Mike and Karianna
Mike and Karianna are the newest editions to my couple friends.  While Mike and I were riding solo for a while, he found Karianna through his cousin and quickly became attached.

But let's back up.  I've known Mike since I was about 6 years old.  That's a long time.  We have been friends ever since.  Mike is the perfect example of being a good friend all the time no matter what.  He always has your back, he will always talk to you, and he will always be there to cheer you up.  I'm so glad that Mike moved to Provo and that he is now my next door neighbor.

I have only known Karianna for a couple of weeks, but I already have a lot of good things to say about her.  She is super sweet, sociable, and fun.  She's really easy to talk to and a super great girl.  Mike is a lucky man, that's all I have to say.  I'm also lucky to have them in my life.

Ok, sorry that was long!  It's one of those things where I can't really say enough about these people because they mean so much to me.  So to all my couple friends, THANK YOU!  Thank you for being the type of friends that I could never deserve, but will always appreciate.


  1. i love you. i swear ill make friends soon and then ill hook you up. promise promise promise.

  2. Paul, it's Baughman (Kevin's brother). Tiffany and I just read this post and were devastated that we didn't make the list.

  3. Brian, I simply didn't know that you were a subscriber to this blog. You two will definitely be included in a future post since I know it really means that much to you... haha
